Your notes, faster.

Powered by secure Ai, Seckr takes your dictated notes and formats them how you want to enter into your EHR, CRM and records.

Your notes, faster.

Powered by secure Ai, Seckr takes your dictated notes and formats them how you want to enter into your EHR, CRM and records.

Your notes, faster.

Powered by secure Ai, Seckr takes your dictated notes and formats them how you want to enter into your EHR, CRM and records.

Get Started

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Choose your format

Select what sections you want your notes to be formatted into.

Record your audio

Speak into your app, covering all the areas you want to cover

Press Send

Your notes will be processed and delivered into your email/ desktop app to enter into your system.

Dr. Kevin


Seckr has given me my time back.

Before I was stuck in the loop of taking time out of my non working hours to keep detailed notes.

I was getting burned out trying to stay on top of it all. Seckr has reduced that admin side of it and I am grateful for that.

Dr. Karam


This has changed the way I write notes, I now can efficiently process my notes, with ease, from anywhere, without compromising on quality. Game changer!

Dr. Steven


I work at a hospital with a poor EMR. The progress notes H&P’s and procedure notes are very difficult to write at that institution. If we had your app, it would be perfect. Also when I’m working in austere environments, this app is super helpful.

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